Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When we’re not feeling, all we want to do is feel better. We’re so busy minding our health, we forget about minding our manners.

H1N1, depending on with whom you’re talking, is coming our way with a vengeance along with the seasonal flu. Now, more than ever, is the time to go into germ control wherever you are, especially at your place of work.

If you’re climbing up the ladder, slow down during flu season. You won’t get high marks when you and your germs show up in the office, just cold stares from colleagues as you go about sneezing, coughing and touching everything in sight.

“I have to come to work, I have no more sick days,” is a common cry. Dip into vacation days, it may not be a day at the beach but at least if you take care of yourself, you’ll be around to take a vacation. (Excuse the scare technique; we’ve been watching a lot of cable television.)

If you don’t mind, we have some tips:

• When you get to the office, don’t go straight to the kitchen for coffee and dig into the donut box. The coveted donut is always at the bottom.

• If you use the microwave, ‘nuke’ the panel with a sanitizing wipe before and after.

• Before you pick up the phone, touch your mouse or keyboard - give everything a good wiping.

• Don’t play doctor see a doctor; if you’re working you must have some sort of insurance even if it does need reforming.

• Employers should encourage people to stay home if they’re sick and employees shouldn’t feign illness, not healthy for your karma.

• If someone extends their hand, don’t recoil in fear, shake and wash hands soon after, especially if it’s a client.

• Don’t fuel the discussion of flu shots with anymore misinformation. There's already plenty available.

Stay well! At least, try.

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